Life after lockdown: tips for the new world

Life after lockdown: tips for the new world

Biking With Dog

After spending almost five weeks in level 4 of the COVID-19 lockdown at home and enduring strict sanitation and supermarket rules, many are finding the ongoing crisis overwhelming. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed from the drastic changes we’ve had to make to our daily lives.

That’s why we’ve made a handy list of tips and tricks to help you handle the new world after lockdown. We’ll help you understand what a QR code (and how we use this for contact tracing), working from home, coffee saving tips and how to continue with good habits after lockdown… keep reading!

What on earth is a QR code?

A QR code stands for “Quick Response Code”. It’s a two dimensional barcode, which means it’s a pattern of squares or rectangles which makes a unique code. This works the same way as a barcode on anything at the supermarket, but it’s more specific.

Many businesses opening up in level 2 have created QR codes to scan as you enter the store for contact tracing. To scan a QR code, you simply point your camera at the code, which will take you to a web page.

Like working from home?

Did you really like the routine you had when you worked from home over isolation? Now’s the time to negotiate with your boss to stay working some hours from home.

More people are finding that they can have a more healthy work life balance when working from home, which is why many people are working remotely or requesting to work from a home office.

If you proved that you were capable in your role over lockdown and working from home is something you like the sound of, why not ask to continue? If you did your job well during the lockdown period, your boss will know you’re reliable enough to keep doing so. Plus, this may also cut costs for employers as they need less office space and resources in the office.

Coffee matters

Do I need to buy a take out when I have made my own for seven weeks? Make a savings plan with coffee money instead!

Did you know that your taste buds are scientifically proven to change to like something less if you don’t have it for a while? Over lockdown, many had to give up their daily café ritual and settle for an instant blend instead. What’s even more crazy, is how many people haven’t been so phased on their classic flat white from their favourite coffee house since returning to level 3.

Why not make the most out of it and make a savings plan from you daily coffee budget? Buying a bag of coffee beans from the supermarket costs around $7-8 for a decent blend.

That means the price of one or two cafe coffees is the same as a week’s worth of coffee beans for home.

Coffee options to make at home:

  • Latte made in a saucepan with a whisk instead of having a foamer
  • Plunger
  • Whipped iced latte
  • Italian espresso
  • Nespresso Pods (they’re a little bit dearer compared to other types but very easy and mess-free, it’s what we use and love in our office)
  • Single serve powder lattes, cappuccinos from the supermarket
  • If you’re thinking of investing for the long run, you could buy you own coffee machine and learn some barista skills to enjoy any coffee you’d like at a café from home!

If you like the idea of saving some of your coffee fund per week, but you just can’t give up that classic barista coffee and need a coffee machine, they’re not the cheapest. But, they are definitely worth it (believe me, I couldn’t go without mine).

And if you really can’t live without your professional barista-made coffee, there is certainly no harm in supporting your local cafe. They’ll appreciate your business as much as you appreciate their product.

Keeping healthy habits from lockdown

Exercise, good food, quiet time, rest! Many people (including myself) managed to swing into isolation and find a groove that suited a more ideal lifestyle for them compared to the constant work culture often found.

Did you find some positive daily habits that you really enjoyed? These could be anything such as walking your dog, breakfast with your partner, family time, cooking a lovely meal for dinner, exercising in your favourite spot, a midday rest- the list goes on. If you’re struggling to think of ideas, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. When thinking about lockdown routine, what habits were you the most proud of establishing?
  2. What did you enjoy the most during your daily routines?
  3. How could you incorporate some of these good habits back into your daily routine outside of lockdown?

When trying to keep these positive habits after lockdown, try to book in time to do these activities you love so much.


This time is odd and new for all of us- that’s why we’ve made this list for keeping well (and better-than-before habits) in all aspects of life post COVID-19 lockdown.

If you have any questions, queries or need some guidance for the times ahead, we’re always here and more than happy to help.

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